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Can I Personally Help You with Your Next Headline, Lead, VSL, Email or Any Other Marketing Piece? (For a Ridiculously Low Amount)

My success rate for creating and helping create winners is pretty darn good. So why not have me on your side if you want to improve your copy and response rate

First, congratulations!

I’m so proud of you for investing in A-List Copywriting Secrets.

Through the years, you wouldn’t believe how many people I’ve heard say: “I want to be able to crank out winning copy fast.” Or “I want to be able to make 6-figures writing copy.” Or “I want to mail profitably to cold traffic.”

Yet these people refuse to invest in themselves.

But not you!

You’re one of the smart ones. Because investing in yourself is a sure-fire sign that you’re going to go far as a copywriter and direct response marketer.

If you’re not already pulling in the big bucks, you soon will be.

The MISSING Ingredient

Look, as great as A-List Copywriting Secrets is, it’s missing one thing that assures your success more than anything else — especially when it comes to creating winning ads that pull above industry standard response rates.

And that’s direct access to a true A-lister like myself.

I’m talking about direct access to some of my most advanced copywriting secrets, trainings, and lessons.

Direct access to me for answers to your most pressing questions answered, from one who’s “been there and done that,” and has been producing winning advertisements for over 45 years.

Direct access to me personally helping you come up with your next breakthrough headline, lead, VSL, Hook, FB ad… you name it!

And direct access to a treasure trove of straight-up copywriting and marketing wisdom.

Because not only have I produced over a billion in sales, I’ve seen BILLIONS of dollars in testing results. I know what works and what doesn’t.

What could that knowledge be worth to you? To the right person it’s priceless.

Look, sometimes, we all get too close to our copy, emails, funnels, ads, business, that we can’t see how to apply a certain principle, concept or strategy.

As a quick and easy example, when will it boost response to throw in a story.

And when will it KILL response?

It depends on the context. And nuances like this can be found everywhere when you’re trying to persuade humans to trade their hard-earned money for what you’re offering.

Which is why it can be very helpful, and very profitable not to go this alone… but to have me in your corner.

And because you just put so much trust in me by buying A-List Copywriting Secrets…

I would like to consider joining…

My Exclusive Inner Circle

For decades now, my time and attention have been in high demand.

Copywriters and marketers line up to consult with me, get their copy reviewed, brainstorm strategies and ideas, or just fire away with copy and marketing questions.


Because time and time again, just a few suggestions from me have reinvigorated companies and copywriting careers.

And time and time again, just a few copy changes made by me have turned average or losing promotions into long-term, big-profit winners.

But I can only work my “magic” with a very limited number of clients.

Marcella Allison

Marcella Allison — Copywriter, Cincinnati, Ohio

"David always pushes me to make my copy better, stronger, more compelling.  He never lets me settle for ‘OK’ or ‘good enough’.  And, amazingly, I find myself, and my copy rising to the challenge.

It’s like having your own personal Olympic coach whispering in your ear. Listen closely enough and you might just land that gold medal."

For decades now, my time and attention have been in high demand.

Copywriters and marketers line up to consult with me, get their copy reviewed, brainstorm strategies and ideas, or just fire away with copy and marketing questions.


Because time and time again, just a few suggestions from me have reinvigorated companies and copywriting careers.

And time and time again, just a few copy changes made by me have turned average or losing promotions into long-term, big-profit winners.

But I can only work my “magic” with a very limited number of clients.

Which is why I’ve finally decided to open up
an exclusive little Insider Circle
where copywriters and marketers can...

  • Ask me current, pressing business and copy related problems that may have you stumped or out of ideas.
  • Get my advice — Based on over 40 years of in-the-trenches direct response marketing and copywriting. I hold nothing back with my insiders.
  • Brainstorm ideas — Need your next big idea for a hot promotion? A new hook for your lead-gen ad? That’s what I’m here for.
  • Submit your copy for me to critique and improve — This is the single fastest way to get good at writing copy and, if you’re a freelancer, have potential clients start hunting you down to work with them.
  • Be privy to the advanced marketing and copywriting techniques — Stuff that I usually reserve for high-end private clients and trainings.
  • Get a ton of additional high-level resources and surprise trainings — Immediately upon joining and each and every month thereafter.

Because the feedback you get is personal, it's more than theoretical copywriting and marketing knowledge that could apply to anyone.

It's practical, specific, actionable knowledge applied to YOU... based on your unique circumstances.

Again, that’s what makes this so powerful – it’s personal and meaningful to you. It’s what you need to up your game and quickly bootstrap to the next level.

But now, thanks to my Inner Circle, I’m now able to provide that same kind of personal feedback and guidance to you…

For a tiny fraction of the price of my private mentoring, which starts at $1,500 a session.

Maybe you’ve already thought — or even tried — to get A-list level help.

Want to work with my buddy Parris Lampropoulos in one of his coveted apprentice spots?

He has a multi-year waiting period to even audition.

Want my good friend John Carlton to get on the phone with you?

He charges $10,000 for four 1-hour phone calls.

Even getting in many copy “mastermind” groups can cost anywhere from $5,000, $10,000 and even up to $20,000 or more a year.

But we wanted to make access to my Inner Circle an experience available even to those who can’t afford to (or just don’t want to) pay hundreds of dollars a month.

So we assembled a select “Inner Circle” of serious writers and marketers who know that an A-list writer can take their copywriting and marketing skills to the next level, but don’t want to spend thousands of dollars a year to do it.

Justin Goff

Justin GoffCopy & Funnel Accelerator, Columbus, Ohio

"I made a decent amount of changes to the headline/intro on the sales page. David told me that I had a lot of extra fluff in there, and that the headline wasn't great — so I fixed all of that.

We tested the new version against the old one and got a nice 14% bump in conversions."

Chase Amante — Beijing, China

"Thanks again for an outstanding session.

Everything you point out seems simple and intuitive and makes me go 'Geez, I can't believe I didn't see that...'.

I find is always the hallmark of a really great teacher: illuminating or guiding you to things that feel like they should be obvious, yet never occurred to you."

Here’s what you get with your
exclusive Inner Circle Membership… 

#1 — Two Live Group Coaching Calls Every Month

You’ll be able to attend two live Inner Circle sessions every month.

(Can’t make it live? We get the recording and the Cheat Sheet Notes to you in just a few days.)

I will work with you on your copy. Believe me, there is no better way to really see what it takes to write responsive copy than to see it done right before your eyes.

David Deutsch coaching copywriting students online

If you can't make it to a live session, you can submit your copy (or questions) beforehand and view the recording later. (While we often get to everything submitted, of course, we can’t always guarantee that.)

People are amazed by how quickly and easily I transform copy “on the fly” from ordinary to extraordinary. It’s actually one of the things I’m most proud of because of how much value people get from it.

And even if you never ask a question or submit copy, you’re guaranteed to discover plenty of response-boosting tactics you can implement immediately that will propel your career or business forward.

Many say just listening to those copy transformations is the absolute best way to learn what an A-list writer does to create great copy.

In short, you'll get a doctorate-level course in response-boosting copywriting that will leapfrog your knowledge and skills far beyond those of your competition… as we cycle through my full arsenal of high-power copy techniques.

Kriss Bergethon

Kriss BergethonLegendary Ventures, Steamboat Springs, CO

"I came to David trying to improve my copywriting and response rate.  We dug into one particular offer and got it from a 1.3% conversion rate to a 6.5% in about a month and a half

I'm a huge fan of his coaching program and am excited to be a student of his for a long time."

#2 — Cheat Sheets!

One more very special time-saving feature of my Inner Circle that will help make absolutely sure you don’t miss a single nugget of response-boosting copy wisdom.

We even take notes for you!

Then we turn these notes into what we call “Action Playsheets” — to bring you the notes you yourself might take, and the actionable items you can put to work immediately to improve your sales letters, emails, ads, social media posts, and virtually any piece of persuasive writing you need to create.

In short, Stan and I will do everything we can — short of coming to your house and working alongside you — to make sure you have the knowledge, tools, and skills to create responsive copy.

But wait, as the infomercials say: "There’s more…!"

Kriss Bergethon

Kriss BergethonLegendary Ventures, Steamboat Springs, CO

"I came to David trying to improve my copywriting and response rate.  We dug into one particular offer and got it from a 1.3% conversion rate to a 6.5% in about a month and a half

I'm a huge fan of his coaching program and am excited to be a student of his for a long time."

#3 — Finally… Get the Answers You Need

Again, you have the opportunity to ask me ANYTHING!

This is SO important. Imagine you hit a roadblock and having the right answer can mean the difference between success or failure.

It's like having the answers to a test before you take it…

That’s what Inner Circle members do on these twice-monthly sessions.

For many, this is an incredibly valuable feature… getting personalized answers from an A-level writer that you just can’t get anywhere else without emptying your bank account.

#4 — A Special Bonus Training, Interview or Update…
Each and Every Month

In addition, you’ll get a special just-for-members bonus every single month.

Some months it may be a special training. Or a checklist, or template I use to help create better copy faster and more easily. A special interview with someone in my network of top copywriters, marketers and experts.

Past bonuses have included…

  • A swipe and detailed look at the techniques and strategies behind the sales letter for my own A-List Copywriting Secrets
  • An in-depth training on the secret of injecting “tension” into copy, and how to harness this powerful, little-known technique to supercharge your writing
  • A comprehensive breakdown of a longstanding, high-performing control that has been running profitably for 13 years
  • Two special trainings on AI — including one on how to bring soulless AI copy to life
  • A breakdown of the most successful promotion in ClickBank history. Including split-tests still being run to keep it among ClickBank's Top Products
  • A private, insider presentation on how to apply comedy “improv” techniques to produce more effective copy more easily
  • How to take a headline from ordinary to extraordinary — an over-the-shoulder demonstration of my proven process
  • A special training on effective negotiation for copywriters (also a must-listen for clients)
  • How to use logic and argumentation techniques to make your copy many times more convincing
  • How to F*$k Up an Unf*$kupable Idea — a top publisher shares insights on avoiding the pitfalls that can ruin great ideas
  • PLUS... many more ad swipes and breakdowns, as well as additional trainings on how to write great headlines... compelling openings... hypnotic stories... irresistible bullets... effective Facebook ads... and much more.

Can you imagine how big an advantage any ONE of these bonuses has given members over their competition? Are you starting to see how much of an advantage they will give you?

#5 — 3 Special Welcome Bonuses… Immediately

As soon as you join us, I’ll rush you…

  • A swipe and video breakdown of one of my most successful promotions ever — It sold millions of dollars’ worth of books and is a valued part of many top writers’ swipe files

    It ran for years despite some of the best copywriters on the planet continuously attempting to beat it.

    I break it down for you and show you what really makes it tick.
  • An Interview with Parris Lampropoulos — What’s it really like when two A-listers get together and talk shop and trade secrets? You get to be a fly on the wall as the legendary Parris Lampropoulos and I spill the beans.
  • Chris Haddad and I Let Loose — Even if you don’t know Chris you probably know his “emotional punch in the gut” style of writing that has become so widely imitated.
Tyler Reyes

Tyler ReyesCopywriter

"If you're looking for serious results as a copywriter, David Deutsch is your man.

David was one of the first mentors I worked with when I started writing. The lessons he taught me have helped me bring in over $10 million in revenue. He's a true living legend.

Whether you're a direct response newbie or a seasoned pro, I guarantee David can help you improve your copy and your bank account!"

Chris reveals how he does it, as well as the secrets that have not only made him a super-successful copywriter, but to take those skills and use them to build a business that has brought in 10’s of millions of dollars.

Plus, Chris is just plain one of the most colorful characters I know, so I think you’ll especially enjoy this one.

How Much For My Help to Leapfrog Your Copy Skills Right Over Your Competition?

Stan and I wanted to make this as affordable as possible.

Because we believe copywriters and marketers need a real alternative to groups that cost $500, $1,000, or even $2,000 a month.

So here’s what we came up with:

Just $97 per month

There is simply nothing else that can do so much to improve your copywriting, business or career that costs so little.

Most importantly, there’s no long-term commitment.

Just try it out for a month, get everything you can out of this month’s sessions and bonus — plus all the Welcome Bonuses — and, if it's not for you, we'll all part as friends and you’ll never be charged.

That’s the most I can possibly do to help you. The rest is up to you. Please choose wisely, as massive breakthroughs in your copy, marketing and business could be right around the corner — as it has been for so many that I’ve mentored and coached.

No need to enter your payment details again. By clicking the button above you get immediate access to David's Inner Circle, the recording of our last session, the Cheat Sheet, plus this month's amazing bonus. Cancel anytime and you will incur no further charges.

I'm looking forward to seeing you in our coaching sessions.

All the best,

David L Deutsch signature img

David L. Deutsch

P.S. People often ask me what it takes to get to the top of the copywriting heap.

To me, one of the most important factors is regular direct exposure to an A-list writer — to be able to ask questions, have your copy critiqued, to get an inside look at how they think and write.

That's why I'm so thrilled to make this possible for you. I urge you to take advantage of it while you can.

P.P.S. If you're excited to get started right away, you'll be glad to know that in addition to the 3 welcome bonuses and your first bonus training, you'll also get instant access to the most recent Inner Circle session.

Knowing how the sessions work means you'll hit the ground running the first time you join us live.  Plus, you'll pick up some great copy tips you can put to work today.

No need to enter your payment details again. By clicking the button above you get immediate access to David's Inner Circle, the recording of our last session, the Cheat Sheet, plus this month's amazing bonus. Cancel anytime and you will incur no further charges.