David Deutsch Inner Circle

From Billion Dollar Copywriter David Deutsch...

The Fastest Way to 10x Your Copy and to Get the Jump on Your Competition

From Billion Dollar Copywriter David Deutsch...

The Fastest Way to 10x Your Copy and Gain an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition

Dear New Friend,

Week after week, a small group of today’s savviest copy insiders gather together.

Lightbulbs go off, conversions soar, and careers and businesses explode.

In short, copywriters and entrepreneurs who live or die based on how good their copy is and how quickly it can be produced…

... are using my “Leapfrog Method” with amazing success.

When I think back to how I achieved the coveted “A-lister” status in direct response copywriting…

… and helped my clients sell over a billion dollars worth of everything from books, newsletters, and supplements to laundry detergent and diapers…

… there is really only one thing that — time after time — has boosted me to the next level of skill, accomplishment, and earning power.

And it was never a course or a seminar or a book or discovering a new template or copy hack.

Week after week, for a small group of today’s savviest copy insiders, lightbulbs are going off, conversions are rising, and careers and businesses are exploding.

In short, copywriters and entrepreneurs who live or die based on how good their copy is and how quickly it can be produced…

Are using my “Leapfrog Method” with amazing success.

Look, when I think back to how I achieved the coveted “A-lister” status in direct response copywriting…

…and helped my clients sell over a billion dollars’ worth of everything from books, newsletters and supplements to laundry detergent and diapers…

David Deutsch Inner Circle

From Madison Avenue to Fortune 100 corporations to the best direct response marketers on the planet — David has written successful copy for them all!

…there is really only one thing that — time after time — has boosted me to the next level of skill, accomplishment and earning power.

And it was never a course or a seminar or a book or discovering a new template or copy hack.

It was having my copy critiqued 
and improved by a master of the craft

Because that was more than just theoretical copywriting and marketing knowledge that could apply to anyone.

That was practical, specific, actionable knowledge that applied to ME based on my unique strengths and weaknesses.

Their reviews enabled me to eliminate so many conversion-killing mistakes I was making day in and day out — mistakes and bad habits it would have taken me years — if ever — to see on my own.

And they were there to help, encourage, inspire, and set the example for building new and better habits.

David Ogilvy - David Deutsch

David Ogilvy  Founder, Ogilvy & Mather Advertising

“You write well."

John Carlton - David Deutsch

John Carlton  Legendary copywriter and author of “The Entrepreneur's Guide To Getting Your Shit Together”

“I’ve known David Deutsch since we both were on the “A List” of sought-after writers for the largest direct mail operations on the planet. (Rodale Press, for me, and Boardroom, Inc., for David.)

“David has had as many as six controls at one time for these behemoth mailers — something that only a handful of writers have ever accomplished in the history of advertising.

“His advice is pure gold for any writer seeking to follow the very specialized path he excels at.”

Kriss Bergethon - David Deutsch

Kriss BergethonLegendary Ventures, Steamboat Springs, CO

“I came to David trying to improve my copywriting and response rate.  We dug into one particular offer and got it from a 1.3% conversion rate to a 6.5% in about a month and a half.

“I'm a huge fan of his coaching program and am excited to be a student of his for a long time.”

Kyle Craig - David Deutsch

Kyle Craig Copywriter, San Francisco, California

“Great teachers are a rare gem. They must help the learner move forward without getting in the way of the lesson.

“David, your guidance was brilliant. You always gave the right explanation, a helpful hint, or sometimes a kick in the pants that allowed me to move forward and to fully absorb the lesson.

“The advice you gave was always spot-on. The difference in my message before your advice and after your advice is the difference between an outhouse and the Taj Mahal.”

Skylr Monaghan - David Deutsch

Skylr Monaghan CopywriterDirect Response Copywriter at 4Patriots

“Learning copywriting from David was nothing short of Amazing! I begged for the opportunity to work with him and I am so glad I did… it has without a doubt made me a better copywriter.

“His coaching, guidance and constant 'pushing me to do better' is something every copywriter should have the chance to experience.

“I went from frustrated to enlightened… and educated! Who wouldn’t want to discover the secrets to writing killer bullets from a legend in copywriting. Any wizard would beg to learn the magic behind this powerful skill David has taught me.”

Simone Schmitz - David Deutsch

Simone Schmitz — VNR, Bonn, Germany

“David didn’t just teach me — he gave me a feeling for copywriting, which seems to be the most important point.

"He gave me what I needed to give my prospects what they really need — good copy, storytelling, and speaking to desires they don’t even know they have.

"I now can see copywriting from a whole new perspective — a better one.”

Jimmy Parent - David Deutsch

Jimmy Parent — Copywriter

“You're the man, David. It's like you just climbed in my skull, and pointed out what I never saw before.”

How to Skip the Line

Of course, I’m not the only writer who worked with great writers to skip the line and leapfrog to the front.

John Carlton had Gary Halbert.

Parris Lampropoulos had Clayton Makepeace. As did Carline Anglade-Cole.

I still hear the voice of Jim Rutz in my head, admonishing me never to be boring.

I could name dozens of writers who saw their abilities and income skyrocket after just a short time working under a talented copy chief at a direct response company like Agora.

By now, you probably realize that “leapfrogging” to me — at its core — is reaching out to a pro who knows exactly how to help your copy (and you ) get to the next level.

A full-fledged expert who's already climbed the copy and conversion ladder can pull you up to the top so fast your feet barely touch the rungs.

To a level where high response is consistent.

Because a pro knows not only the specific advanced response-boosting tactic you need when you need it, but can help you to spot and correct…

Readership and Response Killers
That Are Holding You Back

  • Some writers have a bad habit of writing in a passive voice instead of active.
  • Others tell instead of show.
  • Some are afraid to really sell in their copy.
  • Sometimes it’s the strategy itself that is off — not the right approach for this particular market at this particular time.
  • Other copy lacks a big idea (or any idea) behind it.
  • Often, the copy is just… plain… boring. (You can’t sell a prospect who has clicked away.)
  • Sometimes there are blockages or leaks in the funnel that can send sales soaring with just a little tinkering.

The list goes on and on.

In my experience, copywriters and marketers can’t see the mistakes they make over and over again.

Resulting in deeply ingrained bad copy and marketing habits that lead to offers that don’t convert (or don’t convert to cold traffic) and careers and businesses that never live up to their potential, no matter how hard you work at it.

When I come across copy that is underperforming — or destined to — I often think: If only I had a few minutes with this writer, I could turn this copy around and maybe even turn around a business.

Because costly copy mistakes are actually very easy to remedy, and often instantly boost attention, persuasion, and conversion.

See, here’s a common scenario…

Sally gets hired to write copy for a client. She does her research, feels she understands the market, and works hard to convey every benefit she can in her copy.

The client is pleased when she turns in her final draft and feels this copy really has a shot at revitalizing his business.

Best of all, he has plenty more work for Sally if this new promotion pulls through!

The day finally arrives, he runs the promotion… and…

It does no better than what he is currently running — what he has been running for years.

Sally is heartbroken. And so is her client.

Neither can figure out why the copy didn’t do as well as expected.

What neither Sally nor her client realize is that the main premise behind Sally’s copy was just too weak.

The market was too sophisticated. It had been exposed to too many similar sales pitches. These people would never believe that this product — as Sally presented it — would help them solve their problems.

Sally and her client could have had a very different outcome if they had come to me.

From the start, I could have told them that the main idea stood very little chance of working.

And I would have shown them a few different ways to approach such a sophisticated market more effectively.

I can help writers avoid this situation with just a few minutes of brainstorming together.

Thanks to decades of experience working for and with ad agencies, publishers like Agora and Boardroom, large and small entrepreneurs, and Fortune 100 companies like Procter & Gamble, I’ve been exposed to hundreds of different clients, thousands of different copy and marketing techniques, and endless split tests.

This depth and breadth of experience is why it doesn’t take long to come up with an insight, an idea, or some copy that can completely change the game for a copywriter or marketer.

For example, here’s what business owner and copywriter Erica Douglass of Austin, Texas, has to say…

Erica Douglass - David Deutsch

“In 20 minutes, David came up with a way of explaining my business that is so stunning in its elegance, yet so simple to understand... that I realized he had just turned a million-dollar cool idea into a billion-dollar revolution.”

It's crazy to think about… but life will never be the same.

Erica DouglassAustin Texas

Unfortunately, much as I love transforming copy and businesses, I don’t have even just a few minutes to spend with everyone who could benefit from my help.

So here’s what I’ve decided to do instead…

Justin Goff - David Deutsch

Justin Goff Copy & Funnel Accelerator, Columbus, Ohio

“I made a decent amount of changes to the headline/intro on the sales page. David told me that I had a lot of extra fluff in there, and that the headline wasn't great — so I fixed all of that.

“We tested the new version against the old one and got a nice 14% bump in conversions.”

Marcella Allison - David Deutsch

Marcela Allison Copywriter

“David always pushes me to make my copy better, stronger, more compelling. He never lets me settle for ‘OK’ or ‘good enough’. And, amazingly, I find myself, and my copy rising to the challenge. It’s like having your own personal Olympic coach whispering in your ear… Listen closely enough and you might just land that gold medal.”

Evaldo Albuquerque - David Deutsch

Evaldo Albuquerque  
Agora's 80-Million-Dollar-Man

“Early in my copywriting career I was lucky to work with David in a project where he was my mentor.

“Why lucky? Because David has decades of experience and that’s not easy to find. You can read all the copywriting books in the world, but nothing replaces experience.

“I learned a ton from him and I highly recommend David’s course to anyone who’s serious about becoming a better copywriter.”

Welcome to my Inner Circle

The fastest way to go from mediocre… to good... to GREAT

I’m not talking about getting “know-how-to-use-a-template” good.

Templates have their place, but relying on them gets old, ineffective, and outdated very fast.

I’m talking about leapfrogging over those with that kind of cookie-cutter mentality and becoming genuinely skilled in persuading with words.

Which, I might add, is one of the most valuable skills on the planet.

I want to give you the opportunity to experience what it would be like if we worked together — just as I’ve worked with Justin Goff, Marcella Allison, Evaldo Albuquerque, and others who have gone on to copy superstardom.

I want to teach you both basic and advanced copy skills and techniques.

I want to show you how to apply those skills and techniques to transform ordinary copy into extraordinarily compelling copy.

And I want to give you the opportunity for us to work together on YOUR copy, so you can see how easily it can be leapfrogged to the next level.

Because that’s how you become a better writer.

However, until now…

Getting this kind of A-lister help can be very difficult (and expensive)

Getting this kind of A-lister help
can be very difficult (and expensive)

Maybe you’ve already thought — or even tried — to get A-list level help.

Unfortunately, some A-listers just do their own thing, stay under the radar, and don’t offer a way to help people directly at all.

Others are too busy raking in cash from grateful clients.

Or starting their own businesses.

Want to work with my buddy Parris Lampropoulos in one of his coveted apprentice spots?

He has a multi-year waiting period to even audition.

Want my good friend John Carlton to get on the phone with you?

He charges $10,000 for four 1-hour phone calls (and he’s currently on sabbatical).

Even getting in many copy “mastermind” groups can cost anywhere from $5,000, $10,000 and even up to $20,000 or more a year.

Parris Lampropoulos - David Deutsch

Parris Lampropoulos Soundview Communications

“David is one of the smartest and most creative people I know. He sees things other people don’t see. He is my Go-To Guy whenever I’m stuck. If you ever have the opportunity to work with him or learn from him, you should jump on it.”

But I wanted to make a “leapfrog” experience available even to those who can’t afford (or just don’t care) to pay hundreds of dollars a month.

Look, if you know me at all, you know I love to teach.

And I love to show how easy it can be to transform copy from mediocre to great.

I’d much rather do that than write another blockbuster health or financial promotion.

It’s also a way for me to give back to a community that has given me more financial security, learning, and fun than I could ever have imagined.

So I’ve decided to assemble a select “Inner Circle” of serious writers and marketers who know that an A-list writer can take their copywriting and marketing skills to the next level, but don’t want to spend thousands of dollars a year to do it.

What you get in my Inner Circle…

#1 — Two Live Group Coaching Calls Every Month

David Deutsch's Inner Circle

As a member of my inner circle, you’ll be able to attend two live Inner Circle sessions every month.

In each session I’ll do a deep dive into one key copywriting or marketing tactic.

You’ll have the opportunity to have work done on your copy together.

You can attend these sessions and get my help live.

Or you can submit your copy beforehand and view the recording later if we are able to get to your copy on the call. (While we do often get to all copy that has been submitted, of course, I can’t always guarantee that.)

David Deutsch's Inner Circle

Join David twice a month as he reveals his best copy techniques and transforms members’ copy

#1 — Two Live Group Coaching Calls Every Month

As a member of my inner circle, you’ll be able to attend two live Inner Circle sessions every month.

(If you can't make a live session, we'll get the recording and the Cheat Sheet Notes to you in just a few days.)

In each session I’ll do a deep dive into one key copywriting or marketing tactic.

You’ll have the opportunity to have work done on your copy together.

You can attend these sessions and get my help live.

Or you can submit your copy beforehand and view the recording later. (While we often get to everything submitted, of course, I can’t always guarantee that.)

People are amazed by how quickly and easily I can transform copy “on the fly” from ordinary to extraordinary.

And even if you never ask a question or submit copy, you’re guaranteed to discover plenty of response-boosting tactics you can implement immediately that will propel your career or business forward. Many say just listening to those copy transformations is the absolute best way to learn what an A-list writer does to create great copy.

These sessions last for at least an hour — often more.

And if you study them carefully, they can...

David Deutsch's Magic Copy Cube

We'll use some of my best techniques, like my famous Magic Copy Cube, to help members (like you) sell more.

10x your copywriting ability

For each session, we’ll spend some time focusing on a key element of copywriting, such as headlines, voice, offer, close, story, research, big idea, and so on.

We’ll then look at some of the submitted copy for examples of how what we’ve learned can be applied.

You'll get a graduate-level course in copywriting that will leapfrog your knowledge and skills far beyond those of your peers as we cycle through the full arsenal of high-power copy techniques.

And while I don’t know anything that will instantly 10x your copywriting ability, I do know plenty of ways to help you get 30% better by writing better headlines, 30% better by coming up with bigger ideas, 30% better by making your leads more interesting, 30% better by closing more powerfully, and so on.

Thanks to the power of compounding, just nine 30% increases like this yield that magical 10x leap.

But enough math. Let’s get back to everything you get when you join my Inner Circle…

Aimee Kunau - David Deutsch

Aimee Kunau Direct Response Copywriter at 4Patriots

“I had the incredible opportunity to be coached by copywriting legend David Deutsch. A master of direct response, David made laser observations of my writing and gave me simple solutions to tighten up my copy and make it much more effective. His sage advice has accelerated my copywriting to warp speed.

“David’s laid back, personable style is so refreshing in an industry glutted by big ego gurus. David’s 100% the real deal — a copywriting maestro with a down to earth perspective. I recommend investing in yourself if you’re ready to have David help take your copywriting or marketing to the next 10 levels.”

Aimee Kunau - David Deutsch

Aimee Kunau Direct Response Copywriter at 4Patriots

“I had the incredible opportunity to be coached by copywriting legend David Deutsch. A master of direct response, David made laser observations of my writing and gave me simple solutions to tighten up my copy and make it much more effective. His sage advice has accelerated my copywriting to warp speed.

“David’s laid back, personable style is so refreshing in an industry glutted by big ego gurus. David’s 100% the real deal — a copywriting maestro with a down to earth perspective. I recommend investing in yourself if you’re ready to have David help take your copywriting or marketing to the next 10 levels.”

Tyler Reyes - David Deutsch

Tyler Reyes — Copywriter

“If you're looking for serious results as a copywriter, David Deutsch is your man.

“David was one of the first mentors I worked with when I started writing. The lessons he taught me have helped me bring in over $10 million in revenue. He's a true living legend.

“Whether you're a direct response newbie or a seasoned pro, I guarantee David can help you improve your copy and your bank account!”

Wendy Lipton Dibner - David Deutsch

Wendy Lipton-Dibner — President, Professional Impact, Inc.

“David Deutsch has an extraordinary talent for finding the sinkhole in copy — the one word in a sentence that will make your reader suddenly disappear. His insights into the psychology of today's consumers, coupled with his keen eye for detail and targeted questions are second to none. 

“His coaching style is one-part teacher, one-part cheerleader and one-part challenger. If you're serious about making an impact with your copy, get David into your life.”

Tyler Reyes- David Deutsch

Tyler Reyes — Copywriter

“If you're looking for serious results as a copywriter, David Deutsch is your man.

“David was one of the first mentors I worked with when I started writing. The lessons he taught me have helped me bring in over $10 million in revenue. He's a true living legend.

“Whether you're a direct response newbie or a seasoned pro, I guarantee David can help you improve your copy and your bank account!”

#2 — Notes & Cheat Sheets!

To make absolutely sure you don’t miss a single nugget of response-boosting copy wisdom, we even take notes for you!

You'll get a time-saving summary of every Inner Circle coaching session.

You can use these notes to improve your sales letters, emails, ads, social media posts, and virtually any piece of persuasive writing you need to create.

I’m doing everything I can short of coming to your house and working alongside you to make sure you have the knowledge, tools, and skills to create great copy.

Nik Thakorlal - David Deutsch

Nik Thakorlal — Sydney, Australia

“Recently, I had the privilege of meeting and learning from David Deutsch, a legend of direct marketing.

“Sitting at David Deutsch’s feet and learning from his years of experience writing advertising-winners was nothing short of getting over $15,000 worth of free consulting wisdom.

“His one idea, which was to focus on customer acquisition rather than just ad copy, has resulted in a breakthrough product which I believe will easily give me back over 10 times my investment.”

#3 — Got Questions?
Now You Can Get Answers…

What would you ask me if you could ask me ANYTHING?

Or, imagine when you hit a roadblock or have a question that being able to get an answer from me could make the difference between success or failure.

Or at least make roadblocks dissolve.

Well, that’s what Inner Circle members can do on the bi-monthly sessions.

Here are some examples of the types of questions that get answered in Inner Circle sessions…

  • What niche should I specialize in?
  • How can I scale to cold traffic?
  • How do you get great testimonials?
  • As a copywriter, how can I attract better-paying clients?
  • As a marketer, how can I find good, dependable copywriters?
  • What are other types of proof that I can inject into my copy for higher response?
  • What copywriting books are your personal favorites?
  • How can I make this headline stronger and more attention-getting?
  • What bonuses should I add to this offer?
  • What fonts and sizes do you find work best?
  • How can I find a good designer?
  • What’s the best way to get my first paid copywriting gig?
  • Can testimonials sometimes lower response?
Nik Thakorlal - David Deutsch

Nik Thakorlal — Sydney, Australia

“Recently, I had the privilege of meeting and learning from David Deutsch, a legend of direct marketing.

“Sitting at David Deutsch’s feet and learning from his years of experience writing advertising-winners was nothing short of getting over $15,000 worth of free consulting wisdom.

“His one idea, which was to focus on customer acquisition rather than just ad copy, has resulted in a breakthrough product which I believe will easily give me back over 10 times my investment.”

Wendy Lipton Dibner - David Deutsch

Wendy Lipton-Dibner — President, Professional Impact, Inc.

“David Deutsch has an extraordinary talent for finding the sinkhole in copy — the one word in a sentence that will make your reader suddenly disappear. His insights into the psychology of today's consumers, coupled with his keen eye for detail and targeted questions are second to none. 

“His coaching style is one-part teacher, one-part cheerleader and one-part challenger. If you're serious about making an impact with your copy, get David into your life.”

Jon Benson - David Deutsch

Jon Benson  — Creator of the Video Sales Letter

"David’s one of my personal copy mentors, and I don’t have many.

"His keen insights into persuasion, breathtaking copy chops, and ability to weave a story are the stuff of legend. Anyone with half a mind for marketing would do themselves proud to hire him.

"Beyond that, David is a man of character. He’ll treat you well on all fronts. He’ll help you sell your offer and you’ll sleep well at night with him at the helm."

Mac Flynn - David Deutsch

Mac Flynn — 

"I used what I learned to rewrite a friend's "about me" page (just for fun)... he was so impressed that now he's paying me to write copy for his entire website. Needless to say I'm getting a lot better, FAST. Thank you David!"

Jon Benson - David Deutsch

Jon Benson  — Creator of the Video Sales Letter

"David’s one of my personal copy mentors, and I don’t have many.

"His keen insights into persuasion, breathtaking copy chops, and ability to weave a story are the stuff of legend. Anyone with half a mind for marketing would do themselves proud to hire him.

"Beyond that, David is a man of character. He’ll treat you well on all fronts. He’ll help you sell your offer and you’ll sleep well at night with him at the helm."

Simon Hocky - David Deutsch

Simon HöckyCopywriter and Publisher, Bonn, Germany

“Whenever you get the chance to learn from Copywriting Greats like David, you should just go for it.

"I was one of those lucky to attend this training live, and highly recommend the recordings to anyone striving to become a successful copywriter.

"Not only will you learn to write killer headlines – you'll also understand why good copy is NEVER about the product.

"I think it's safe to say that learning from David had a huge impact on my career, inspiring me to go freelance and build my own copywriting business.

"I can't thank you enough, David!”

#4 — A New Special Bonus Each and Every Month

In addition, you’ll get a special just-for-members bonus every single month.

Some months it may be a special training. Or a checklist or template I use to help create better copy more easily.

Past gifts have included…

  • A guide and checklist for creating powerful bullets
  • An extensive breakdown of a 13-year (!) control that I wrote. It’s hard these days to have a control last for one year. This one lasted for 13 and is still going
  • A special training on how to come up with great ideas — and how I came up with my most creative idea ever
  • A must-know training on how to create Facebook ads
  • The secret of “tension” — and how to use it to turbo charge your copy
  • A wide-ranging interview with Aaron Winter on how copywriters and marketers can negotiate better for big mutual wins
  • An over-my-shoulder look as I turn an ordinary headline into an extraordinary one

Each of these bonuses has given members of my Inner Circle advantages over their competition.

(Want ALL of these previous monthly bonuses? Plus a few more? I've got a killer deal for you. Keep reading.)

Jay Abraham - David Deutsch

Jay Abraham — Legendary Marketing Guru,
Author, Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got

“If you can afford 'the big guns', I encourage you to spend all the time you can with David Deutsch.”

#5 — Special Welcome Bonus: A Swipe and Breakdown of One of My Top-Performing Controls

I want to give members as much ammunition as possible to boost their ability to get attention, persuade, and generate responses.

Starting immediately with this very special Welcome Bonus

A swipe and breakdown of one of my most successful promotions ever: my Healing Remedies control for Boardroom Inc., one of the leading direct response publishers on the planet.

It sold millions of dollars worth of books. It ran for years despite some of the best copywriters on the planet continuously attempting to beat it.

This bonus is a masterclass in how to elevate the ordinary into the extraordinary. You’ll see how I took an interesting enough book of home remedies and made them so compelling that the author herself said, “Your copy was so good it made ME feel like I had to run out and buy the book immediately.”

Jon Benson - David Deutsch

Jon Benson  — Creator of the Video Sales Letter

"David’s one of my personal copy mentors, and I don’t have many.

"His keen insights into persuasion, breathtaking copy chops, and ability to weave a story are the stuff of legend. Anyone with half a mind for marketing would do themselves proud to hire him.

"Beyond that, David is a man of character. He’ll treat you well on all fronts. He’ll help you sell your offer and you’ll sleep well at night with him at the helm."

Simon Hocky - David Deutsch

Simon HöckyCopywriter and Publisher, Bonn, Germany

“Whenever you get the chance to learn from Copywriting Greats like David, you should just go for it.

"I was one of those lucky to attend this training live, and highly recommend the recordings to anyone striving to become a successful copywriter.

"Not only will you learn to write killer headlines – you'll also understand why good copy is NEVER about the product.

"I think it's safe to say that learning from David had a huge impact on my career, inspiring me to go freelance and build my own copywriting business.

"I can't thank you enough, David!”

Jay Abraham - David Deutsch

Jay Abraham — Legendary Marketing Guru,
Author, Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got

“If you can afford 'the big guns', I encourage you to spend all the time you can with David Deutsch.”

Chase Amante - David Deutsch

Chase Amante — Beijing, China

Thanks again for an outstanding session.

“Everything you point out seems simple and intuitive and makes me go 'Geez, I can't believe I didn't see that...

“I find he is always the hallmark of a really great teacher: illuminating or guiding you to things that feel like they should be obvious, yet never occurred to you.”

This is just one more of the many reasons why my Inner Circle can leapfrog your success with an unfair competitive advantage.

So… how much for my help
to leapfrog you to the top?

So… how much for my help to leapfrog you to the top?

I wanted to make this as affordable as possible.

I believe copywriters need a real alternative to groups that cost $500, $1,000, or even $2,000 a month.

So here’s what I came up with: Just $97 per month.

Far less than anything else that will help you turn out winning copy faster and with much less stress.

Most importantly, there’s no long-term commitment. With the month-to-month option, you can try it out for a month, get everything you can out of that month’s sessions and bonus — plus the Welcome Bonus — and we can part as friends and you’ll never be charged again.

Look, getting what you want out of life means believing in yourself enough to take action. This may be a turning point for you, as it has been for so many that I’ve mentored, coached, and joined me in my Inner Circle.

PLUS… 2 More Fast-Action Gifts

I want this decision to give my Inner Circle a try to be as easy for you to make as possible.

That’s why I want to give you these additional gifts you can put to work immediately, because they’re packed with dozens of actionable copy and persuasion tactics to ramp up your response and conversions.

Fast-Action Bonus Gift #1: 

A Video Recording of Our Session with Billion-Dollar Copywriter Parris Lampropoulos

Parris is one of the most successful direct response copywriters working today.

He and I have been close friends for many years. Every time we work together, I’m astonished by his amazing insights.

And I know you’ll feel the same — if you don’t already. This is why I want to give this session of Parris and me in action together, tearing apart copy and putting it back together so it grabs more attention and converts more effectively.

Here’s just a tiny taste of what you’ll discover…

  • A simple-but-devastatingly-effective way to boost your response by showing and not telling in your copy. This is a great way to keep your prospects fully engaged and glued to your every word, no matter if it’s a VSL or a 20-page sales letter.
  • The difference between a real John Carlton headline and a wannabe John Carlton headline (like day vs. night — seriously!). Many rip off John’s ‘format’ but totally miss the psychological pulling-power. Here’s a quick question to ask yourself so you’ll always know if you’re right in the sweet spot — or way off base — with every headline you write moving forward.
  • Two easy ways to make your product sound new and exciting. Even if there’s nothing unique about your solution, and your market has heard the same claims time and time again.
  • Plus much more!

Fast-Action Bonus Gift #2: 

A Crazy Session with Legendary
Copywriter Chris Haddad

Chris is the king of emotional copy and a colorful character to boot.

Now you can watch as he lays bare his secrets of injecting attention-getting, conversion-provoking emotion into copy and shows you how it’s done with half a dozen transformational critiques.

I know it will be as eye-opening for you as it was for everyone in the session to see just how much emotion is lying just below the surface, waiting to be tapped to empower your copy.

Don’t miss…

  • The fundamental truth about people that underlies all the copy Chris writes.
  • How to weave this truth into your copy for maximum effect.
  • The exact story structure Chris has used to sell hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of products.
  • How to use this structure yourself to tell your stories more easily and believably — bring them to life.
Gary Hones - David Deutsch

Gary Hones — 
Copywriter, Seattle, Washington

“David unlocked a part of my brain I didn’t even know I had.

“For years I thought I understood the idea of ‘Write like you talk.’

“But within the first 3 minutes of Module 1 of this program, it was easy to see why I was stuck — even with templates.

“Now my copy gushes out like a fire hose. And, according to one of my clients, it’s some of the best I’ve ever written.”

Mike Abramov - David Deutsch

Mike Abramov — Copywriter

“The promotion you coached me on launched yesterday and has already hit multiple 5-figures within the first 24 hours.

“Best sales letter I’ve ever written. Thank you, David.”

Dan Kennedy - David Deutsch

Dan S. Kennedy — Author,
The Ultimate Sales Letter
and the No B.S. book series

“David Deutsch's pedigree as a top-tier copywriter is 'best of show', with roots on Madison Avenue with Ogilvy AND with deservedly legendary direct-response masters.

“Few have this schizophrenic, sophisticated experience.

“His results with A-List clients are stellar.

“His ability to translate all this into gold-plated guidance for other copywriters is impressive.”

Here's Everything You Get...

OK, let’s quickly recap…

  • You’re getting not just one but two live sessions per month where I spill all my time-tested solutions on a wide variety of different copywriting, marketing, and persuasion problems — along with dozens of advanced secrets that I normally save for high-paying clients.
  • You’ll get a private link where you can submit your ads, emails, VSL scripts, and anything else you need my personal feedback on.

Warning: My critiques are not for the faint of heart. I will not hold back in my effort to get to the root of what may be holding your copy back from getting results.

Also, it’s important to note that some members say they learn as much or more simply by watching how I transform other peoples’ copy.

  • And remember, if you can’t attend a session, the recordings are available a day or two later. (Of course, you get the recording of our previous session as soon as you join.)

During these sessions, you’ll receive a master’s-level training on how to use words ­— and all the media available to us these days — to persuade people to take the actions you want them to take.

  • Cheat Sheets! We take your notes for you. The fastest way to improve your copy one action item at a time.
  • You’ll also receive a special monthly bonus this month and every month: special trainings, copy swipes and breakdowns, or templates.
  • And don’t forget your fast-action bonus gifts I have waiting for you:

Fast Action Bonus Gift #1: A session with billion-dollar copywriter Parris Lampropoulos.

Fast Action Bonus Gift #2: A crazy session with master of emotional copy Chris Haddad.

All for just $97/month. No long-term commitment. Cancel any time. We part as friends. You won’t be charged again.

- OR -

Join as a GOLD Level Member

Gold Members get EVERYTHING monthly members get... AND A LOT MORE. Right from the moment you sign up!

Become a Gold Member today, and I will give you The Keys To The Inner Circle Vault.

That means instant (and 24/7) access to:

  • The entire archive of recorded calls. That's everything I've taught since the beginning.
  • Every Cheat Sheet summary.
  • Best of all, you're getting every one of the dozens of bonuses I’ve done each month since the Inner Circle started.

Many tell us these bonuses these training videos, cheat sheets, special interviews, and breakdowns of winning promotions alone are worth their membership investment. Each one is jam-packed with my advanced secrets and valuable learnings for you.

Here’s just a small sample of those monthly bonuses:

  • A swipe and detailed look at the techniques and strategies behind the sales letter for my own A-List Copywriting Secrets
  • An in-depth training on the secret of injecting “tension” into copy, and how to harness this powerful, little-known technique to supercharge your writing
  • A comprehensive breakdown of a longstanding, high-performing control that has been running profitably for 13 years
  • Two special trainings on AI — including one on how to bring soulless AI copy to life
  • A breakdown of the most successful promotion in ClickBank history. Including split-tests still being run to keep it among ClickBank's Top Products
  • A private, insider presentation on how to apply comedy “improv” techniques to produce more effective copy more easily
  • How to take a headline from ordinary to extraordinary — an over-the-shoulder demonstration of my proven process
  • A special training on effective negotiation for copywriters (also a must-listen for clients)
  • How to use logic and argumentation techniques to make your copy many times more convincing
  • How to F*$k Up an Unf*$kupable Idea — a top publisher shares insights on avoiding the pitfalls that can ruin great ideas
  • PLUS... many more ad swipes and breakdowns, as well as additional trainings on how to write great headlines... compelling openings... hypnotic stories... irresistible bullets... effective Facebook ads... and much more.

You’ll have access to all of this... and a LOT more... throughout your entire membership! Pop in any time to watch, listen to, or read as many times as you like.
Best of all, in addition to providing you with a wealth of training and copy smarts, Gold Level Membership gets you two months of my Inner Circle for FREE.  This saves you almost $200! Just make a single payment of $970 today for a full year of membership. (You can make one payment today or spread it out over a few months.)

I think that about wraps it up.

With your permission, I would like to leave you with one last question:

Do you really have another day to waste? Or are you committed to transforming your copy and business starting in just a few minutes?

I can make the path easier for you, but ultimately you must decide.

And you must decide quickly. Because here’s fair warning…

Frankly, doing these sessions with a group like this is a lot of work and generates nowhere near as much income as I can make crafting blockbuster controls.

But I love doing it — getting to know members and playing a part in helping transform copy that transforms lives (and businesses).

Honestly, I doubt it’s something I’m going to want to do forever.

I don’t know of any other place where you can so easily and inexpensively get access to insider copy techniques and feedback like this from an A-list writer.

I really do hope you come on over and join those of us who are making that happen together every month.

No matter what you decide, my friend, I wish you the best of luck in achieving the things that are most important to you.

David L Deutsch signature img

David L. Deutsch



  • 2 live coaching sessions per month. Submit copy for review. Ask David anything about copy or marketing.
  • Can't make it to a live session? No problem. We record them all.
  • Cheat Sheets / "We Took Notes For You" for every session. The fastest of the fast ways to put my copy tips and strategies to work.
  • Special bonuses every month.
  • Welcome Bonus: A detailed breakdown of one of David's highest earning promotions.
  • Fast Action Bonus #1 — Hot Copy Tips from Billion-Dollar Copywriter Parris Lampropoulos.
  • Fast Action Bonus #2 — A Crazy Session with Legendary Copywriter Chris Haddad.
David Deutsch Inner Circle Great Deal image


  • EVERYTHING monthly members get
  • EVERYTHING monthly members get


  • Access to ALL past calls and cheat sheets from previous years
  • A full year (12 months) of Gold Level Membership in David's Inner Circle
  • HUGE savings of almost $200. Get 2 months for FREE!
  • Dozens of additional monthly bonuses from past months, including special trainings, ad breakdowns, exclusive interviews, and much more!

That one payment covers your entire year of membership. (Or you can spread it out over a few months, if that helps.)

P.S. As I write this, economic uncertainty has begun putting the squeeze on copywriters and marketers. The days are over when even mediocre copy could get decent results, and mediocre copywriters were in high demand.

If you're currently not at the level of persuasion and response that you want to be, it’s more important than ever to leapfrog over the competition and get there as quickly as possible.

P.P.S. I’m thrilled to announce that I got Stan Dahl to agree to join me in the sessions.

Why is this important? Because Stan is a walking encyclopedia of direct response knowledge and the most logical and systematic person I know. (Kind of the opposite of me.)

He’s been in the trenches as John Carlton’s business partner for over a decade.

Stan often points out additional response-boosting copy points.

But the best part is, he really knows how to get under the hood and boost the effectiveness of copy by tweaking the marketing behind it.

He’s a great teammate. And I guarantee you’re going to get even more value because of him.

P.P.P.S. Your options are:

  • Full-fledged Monthly Membership in my Inner Circle. All member benefits, including two monthly live calls (plus recordings)... PLUS a special bonus each month... PLUS a bonus ad breakdown... PLUS the Chris Haddad and Parris Lampropoulos sessions.
  • Gold Level Membership gives you all the above... PLUS access to all past call recordings and cheat sheet notes... PLUS every special bonus we've released for years. All while saving about $200. This is a shocking amount of additional value!
John Carlton - David Deutsch

John Carlton  Legendary copywriter and author of “The Entrepreneur's Guide To Getting Your Shit Together”

“I’ve known David Deutsch since we both were on the “A List” of sought-after writers for the largest direct mail operations on the planet. (Rodale Press, for me, and Boardroom, Inc., for David.)

“David has had as many as six controls at one time for these behemoth mailers — something that only a handful of writers have ever accomplished in the history of advertising.

“His advice is pure gold for any writer seeking to follow the very specialized path he excels at.”

Kriss Bergethon - David Deutsch

Kriss BergethonLegendary Ventures, Steamboat Springs, CO

“I came to David trying to improve my copywriting and response rate.  We dug into one particular offer and got it from a 1.3% conversion rate to a 6.5% in about a month and a half.

“I'm a huge fan of his coaching program and am excited to be a student of his for a long time.”

Kyle Craig - David Deutsch

Kyle Craig Copywriter, San Francisco, California

“Great teachers are a rare gem. They must help the learner move forward without getting in the way of the lesson.

“David, your guidance was brilliant. You always gave the right explanation, a helpful hint, or sometimes a kick in the pants that allowed me to move forward and to fully absorb the lesson.

“The advice you gave was always spot-on. The difference in my message before your advice and after your advice is the difference between an outhouse and the Taj Mahal.”

Skylr Monaghan - David Deutsch

Skylr Monaghan CopywriterDirect Response Copywriter at 4Patriots

“Learning copywriting from David was nothing short of Amazing! I begged for the opportunity to work with him and I am so glad I did… it has without a doubt made me a better copywriter.

“His coaching, guidance and constant 'pushing me to do better' is something every copywriter should have the chance to experience.

“I went from frustrated to enlightened… and educated! Who wouldn’t want to discover the secrets to writing killer bullets from a legend in copywriting. Any wizard would beg to learn the magic behind this powerful skill David has taught me.”

Simone Schmitz - David Deutsch

Simone Schmitz — VNR, Bonn, Germany

“David didn’t just teach me — he gave me a feeling for copywriting, which seems to be the most important point.

“The seminar gave me what I needed to give my prospects. What they really need. Good copy, storytelling, speaking to the desires they don’t know they have.

“I now can see copywriting from a whole new perspective — a better one.”

Jimmy Parent - David Deutsch

Jimmy Parent — Copywriter

“You're the man, David. It's like you just climbed in my skull, and pointed out what I never saw before.”

Justin Goff - David Deutschtestimonial for David Deutsch A-List Copywriting Secrets image

Justin Goff Copy & Funnel Accelerator, Columbus, Ohio

“I made a decent amount of changes to the headline/intro on the sales page. David told me that I had a lot of extra fluff in there, and that the headline wasn't great — so I fixed all of that.

“We tested the new version against the old one and got a nice 14% bump in conversions.”

Evaldo Albuquerque - David Deutsch

Evaldo Albuquerque  
Agora's 80-Million-Dollar-Man

“Early in my copywriting career I was lucky to work with David in a project where he was my mentor.

“Why lucky? Because David has decades of experience and that’s not easy to find. You can read all the copywriting books in the world, but nothing replaces experience.

“I learned a ton from him and I highly recommend David’s course to anyone who’s serious about becoming a better copywriter.”

Marcella Allison - David Deutsch

Marcela Allison Copywriter

“David always pushes me to make my copy better, stronger, more compelling. He never lets me settle for ‘OK’ or ‘good enough’. And, amazingly, I find myself, and my copy rising to the challenge. It’s like having your own personal Olympic coach whispering in your ear… Listen closely enough and you might just land that gold medal.”